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360° VR panorama along the old railway line between Market Harborough and Lubenham. The line used to be part of the Rugby and Stamford Railway, but was closed under the Beeching cuts in the 1960s. Today the line is still used, but as a footpath, with trees grown up over either side of the line.

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360° VR ultraviolet panorama by the flower beds near the tennis courts in Welland Park, Market Harborough, UK. In ultraviolet, flowers can have quite a different appearance compared to how they look in visible light. The Rudbeckia flowers in this image have a dark area around the centre of the flower, something that is not visible to humans.
This kind of pattern is visible on many different species of flower, and is often referred to as a ‘nectar guide’. Bees and other insects can see UV light, and it is thought the dark marking around the centre of the flower helps the insects find the centre of the flower (where the nectar and pollen are located).
The french marigold flowers appear completely black in UV, contrasting with their much brighter appearance in visible light.

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360° VR panorama next to the Founders monument fountain in Independence Square, Kyiv. The monument depicts the legendary founders of Kyiv – brothers Kyi (Кий), Schek (Щек), Horeb (Хорив), and their sister Lybid (Либідь). It was built as part of an overhaul of the square in 2001.
To the right and behind is a tall column, also added as part of the rennovation, celebrating the 10th year of Ukraine’s Independence. The column is topped with a sculpture of a Berehynia, a female spirit in Slavic mythology.
Notable buildings nearby are the Kiev Conservatory (Консерваторія), with its white columns, to the south; the Central Post Office (Головпоштамт), to the west; and the House of Trade Unions (Будинок спілок Федерації професійних спілок України), to the north-west.

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360° VR panorama of a street of empty buildings in the abandoned Fukuoka Rekishi no Machi History Town (福岡歴史の町骨董村), Japan. Vines grow into a nearby open building, while numerous plants have sprung up on both sides of the street.
Behind the buildings on the south side of the street can be seen the thatched roof of a large building that was used as a teahouse (峠の茶屋). To the east of that is a large building designed to hold a takarabune treasure ship (博多七福神宝船), possibly in the form of a large float. The buildings on the street were used for workshops demonstrating crafts (体験工房).
The theme park was designed to educate visitors about the local history and culture, as well as providing entertainment. There were over 30 buildings offering a variety of displays and activities, with potters, weavers, and paper-makers exhibiting and selling their wares.
It appears that the park partially closed in 2005, with a small section of buildings near the entrance being kept open, selling antiques and pottery. The park was likely closed completely sometime in 2012 or 2013.

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360° VR panorama on a path through a field of flowering Oilseed Rape near Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire, UK. Fields of yellow from flowering Rape plants are a common sight throughout the UK in May. The plants are grown for their oil, used in cooking and for bio-diesel. They also improve the soil quality for other crops, and are often used as a break crop.

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360° VR panorama on a path through a field of flowering Oilseed Rape near Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire, UK. Fields of yellow from flowering Rape plants are a common sight throughout the UK in May. The plants are grown for their oil, used in cooking and for bio-diesel. They also improve the soil quality for other crops, and are often used as a break crop.

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360° VR panorama on the edge of a field of flowering Oilseed Rape near East Farndon, Northamptonshire, UK. Fields of yellow from flowering Rape plants are a common sight throughout the UK in May. The plants are grown for their oil, used in cooking and for bio-diesel. They also improve the soil quality for other crops, and are often used as a break crop.

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360° VR panorama looking out north-east from part way up Kehlstein, in Bavaria, Germany. Kehlstein is a 1,834 m subpeak of the Hoher Göll mountain. Although this panorama was taken relatively low down on the mountain, a break in the tree cover provides good views.
In the image you can see the town of Anzenbach in the valley below, with the mountains Kneifelspitz to the north-east, and Rauher Kopf to the north-west. The hillside of Kehlstein is mostly covered with Fir trees, but in this clearing you can see a variety of trees and plants growing.

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360° VR panorama to the side of the Haiden in Ebisu shrine (ゑびす神社), Kyoto, Japan. The shrine is built with several pine trees incorporated into the grounds. A variety of smaller plants are grown in pots.
Nearby, along the wall to the west, are a couple of small shrines, known as sessha (摂社) or massha (末社). Also nearby is a vermilion coloured brightly painted rack used for hanging Ema, pieces of wood with prayers written on them.
Ebisu is one of the seven gods of fortune. During his festival, from 8th to 12th of January, Business people visit the shrines dedicated to him to pray for prosperity for their businesses.
The shrine in Kyoto is the third most popular Ebisu shrine in Japan. Ebisu was originally enshrined in Kyoto at the Kenninji Temple, built in 1202. The current shrine was established after the temple burnt down in 1467.

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360° VR panorama at sunset on a path along the River Beauly near Kilmorack, Inverness-shire, Scotland. The large oak tree and nearby silver birches’ golden autumnal leaves glow in the warm sunset light.
The space among the trees is coloured brown with dying ferns. Nearby small patches of heather grow alongside the path. The path is a well worn mud track, showing the route is fairly popular with walkers.